Meet the Principal
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8
The Lakes Christian College (TLCC) is a Prep to Year 12 school where teachers care for and nurture students with biblical values. We have a Christ centred approach to all we do at TLCC with a commitment to being peacemakers.
The aim of Christian education is to teach students biblical principles through every subject, so they are committed to the gospel of peace and service to others. Our teachers are not only concerned with your child’s individual ability to learn information and skills, but also with their ability to understand and form deep relationships with God and with others.
Our educational approach is to equip all students and staff for lifelong learning. Being open to learning is a mindset that sees challenges as opportunities and mistakes as paths to growth. Learning how to learn is at the core of our teaching and learning approach and begins with knowledge of God’s love for us all. As students and staff feel loved, confident, and secure, they are able to trust that God will work for the good in all things and to strive for continuous improvement in what is ahead.
My goal and vision is to see a Christian perspective kept at the forefront of the curriculum by training staff to deliver quality education with the distinctive of a biblical world view. As we strive to honour God’s Word and the vision He has given us as a teaching and learning community, we will experience the reality of the promise of Micah 6:8.
Mr Darren Dick
The Lakes Christian College